

只是礙於硬碟還在修理中 目前找片有限

7/20() 1  桃園à曼谷à維也納



7/21() 2  維也納à布拉格



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宿Hotel NH Prague City

熊布朗宮  兒子學神父脫鞋子~~~~~踩在石頭上 硬撐不痛


7/22() 3  布拉格-(1:10hrs)庫納霍拉- (1:10hrs)布拉格



【查理大橋】與主教座堂都是同一位建築師Peter Parler的作品,橋的兩側有著許多高大的聖像,展現出垂直向上的涵義。





宿Hotel NH Prague City








7/23() 4  布拉格-(4:45hrs)樂斯拉夫

7/24() 5  樂斯拉夫

接待家庭來迎接我們,我們到現在都還有在連絡,真的是很nice的家庭喔!! 也很特別的機會,孩子把房間讓出來讓我們睡,他們全家人睡在客廳裡。




23rd July 2016, Saturday - The group meetings day

  • Breakfast with hosting families
  • 9 AM Group meeting in the parish (please take a packed lunch with you-2nd breakfast) and departure to the Cathedral Island
  • 9 AM – 1 PM Passage through „the Gate of Mercy” in Wrocław Cathedral and spiritual events on the Cathedral Island (the Tumski Islet).
  • 12 AM Meeting with the archbishop of Wrocław and prayer: Angelus (Cathedral Island)
  • 1:30 PM Holy Mass, in language groups, in appointed churches
  • 3:30 PM – 5:30 PMMeal distribution in the zone of Wrocław City Stadium
  • 6 PM – 9:30 PM „Singing Europe” festival in the context of European Capital of Culture held at City Stadium with DiD’ participants
  • Supper with hosting families

After the breakfast with hosting families, the youth meet in the parish at 9 AM and takes the 2nd breakfast prepared by the parish. About 9:15 AM the group set off to the Cathedral Island, where the spiritual part of day is planned. From 9:30 AM the group takes part in spiritual events prepared by Wrocław communities and religious congregations. At 12:00 there is a meeting with Archbishop of Wrocław and common Angelus prayer. Then, groups go to appointed churches to celebrate the Eucharist in language groups.

After the Holy Mass, groups are transported to the City Stadium by public transport, also by special buses, trams and on foot. From 4 PM in the Stadium zone meal is distributed and the youth and families find their places on the Stadium. Meal distribution based on special voucher lasts till 5:30 PM.

At 6 PM, group meeting on the City Stadium begins. There will be held the „Singing Europe” festiwal on the occasion of European Capital of Culture – Wrocław 2016. Three thousands of invited singers from choirs from all over the Europe will together perform popular national songs, inviting all the participants to have fun. In the event will take part abroad groups (DiD’ participants, groups from Legnica’s and Świdnica’s dioceses), the youth from our archdiocese, as well as other invited guests (host families, „Singing Europe” festival’s participants). The meeting consists of two parts, each about 90 minutes long.

For all the Saturday’s events on the Cathedral Island and on he City Stadium invited are guests as well as the youth and families from our perishes. Places on the City Stadium will be ticketed, so every parish has to create and register a name list of participants and get tickets previously (buying a meal voucher by parishes is

impossible) .

After returning from the Stadium, supper with host families.







24th July, Sunday - The Day in the Parish

Framework plan:

  • Breakfast with host families
  • Holy Mass in the parish with host families (according to the parish plan)
  • Dinner with the hosting family or picnic in the parish
  • Afternoon sighseeing or participation in activities arranged by the parish or by the Diocesan Staff
  • 5 PM – 9 PM - “MERCY FEST” (the same spots as on Thu and Fri)
  • Supper with the hosting families or in the parish

Sunday will be a special day, in which we invite the youth to spend time with the hosting family and the parish. After the breakfast with hosting families, the youth will come with them to the parish church to participate in the main event of this day, which is ceremonial Holy Mass.

The youth are invited for the dinner with host families or in the parish. After the dinner they spend time with host families, participating in events organized by the parish or sightseeing. In the afternoon everyone is invited to the „MERCY FEST”, which take place from 5 PM to 9 PM in fixed places.

The pilgrims have dinner with the host family.


25th July 2016, Monday - The Day of the sending to Cracow

Framework plan:

  • Breakfast with hosting families
  • 8:30 AM Farewell in hosting parishes, group transportation to Trzebnica city
  • 11 AM Procession with relics of Saint Jadwiga and ceremonial Eucharist with the special sending to Cracow (Trzebnica city, the Pilgrims square)
  • 1 PM Meal and departure to Cracow








可愛的弟弟~~~肚子餓 然後一直忍到我們到他們家後才一起吃晚餐~~~~


真的很棒的一家人~~~~ 哥哥剛好要去幫忙世界青年日幫忙當志工


姊姊對兒子很照顧~~真的是很好的一個姊姊 一路上都照顧無微不至 開心



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